KCAA Preschools


The Creative Curriculum® for Pre-K

Our Pre-K classes also use one of two additional curricula:  Scholastic Big Day for PreK™ or Teaching Strategies® The Creative Curriculum® for Preschool System.  Each of these comprehensive curricula addresses all of the important areas of learning: social-emotional development, oral language and vocabulary, emergent writing, mathematics, science, social studies, the arts, physical development, and technology.  These curricula allow children many opportunities to explore their own interests while also providing explicit teacher-directed instruction in early language, reading and math skills.  They also offer a range of activities for you and your child to enjoy together.  Through one of these two methods of teaching and learning, children leave the KCAA Pre-K programs prepared to enter kindergarten ready to succeed. 

Also, each year KCAA Pre-K classes participate in “Countdown to Kindergarten”. This special program begins in January and is designed to help kindergarten-bound children and families prepare for a successful transition from preschool to Elementary School. In the early summer months, we start the second part of this program, “Kindergarten Camp”. Changes include a shortened naptime and other practices to support your child’s transition to Elementary School.